My Happy Place

Skater, Old Chapel Hill St., Durham, NC, 2018

"If you will it, Dude, it is no dream." – Walter Sobchak

I have finally willed myself into a dream job. I work at Southeastern Camera, in Carrboro, NC. This has been true since I moved back here in 2011, and to some degree, it was true before that, back in 2006, when I worked part-time at Southeastern.

Back in 2006, when my future was a bit uncertain as to whether I would stay in NC or not, I proposed to management that if I were to stay I could develop a position within the company to work not only in camera sales, but also run the web site, deal with print and promotional needs, and work with the print lab.

It has taken a circuitous, 12-year route, but I have finally arrived.

I have decided to start blogging again, in order to have an outlet for my photo and design projects. I have not been working on photography or design projects for other people/gainful employment, however I do enjoy the creative process, and I need an outlet.

My day job is a lot of troubleshooting, sharing camera knowledge, and now helping run an honest-to-god photo lab. I take thousands of pictures MONTHLY that end up nowhere. My goal is to change that and share things here, with whomsoever might find them.

I hope you enjoy my projects.


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